The Occupants (2014)
"The Occupants" is a 2014 Thriller movie directed by Todd Alcott and starring by Cristin Milioti, Michael Rady. A supernatural thriller directed by Todd Alcott who co-wrote the script with Holly Golden, and features Michael Rady and Toby Huss. Golden produced the film along with Ilan Arboleda. The film revolves around Lucy, who has a new husband, a new home and a new baby, but old ghosts won't let her be. She has dedicated her life to helping families break the cycle of abuse, so when she and her husband, Wade, see the echoes of a violent family tragedy in their home, Lucy tries to help the tortured souls break free of their torment and move on. She finds, however, that these ghosts don't want her help -- they want to lead Lucy and her family to their doom.
Released : Jan 13, 2014
Runtime : 79 min.
Genre : Thriller
Stars : Cristin Milioti, Michael Rady, Toby Huss, James Urbaniak
Director : Todd Alcott
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